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Cessna Citation Sovereign fs9 Toolbox

Learjet 45 panel with Full Flight Gauges

fs9 Toolbox

F-16 Block 50 Panel

F-16 HUD
(included in the F-16 panels)

Mirage 4000

Mirage HUD
(included in the Mirage 4000 package)

F-16 Head-Up Display (HUD)

(click image for details)

(click image for details)

Discover a new way to fly with the F-16 Head-Up Display... Keep looking outside while flying your F-16 at high speed and low altitude.

The F-16 HUD development was based on the real F-16 HUD using vector graphics technology to provide excellent performance with a high level of realism. It can be used within a panel (such as the F-16 panel) or can be used in full screen mode for optimal usage.
This product is payware. For complete information about it and purchase information, redirect to the F-16 HUD page.

F-16 Block 50 Panel

(click image for details)

(click image for details)

In order to show how the F-16 HUD can be integrated in a jet fighter panel, a new F-16 panel is available here. Obviously, it includes the F-16 HUD and many other great features, such as multi-function displays (MFD), moving map, integrated autopilot, integration of Eric Marciano's radar, ...
For more information, head to the F-16 Block 50 panel page.

Mirage 4000 Package

(click image for details)

(click image for details)

(click image for details)

This package contains the Mirage 4000 aircraft and its panel, which includes the Mirage Head-Up Display (HUD) described below. The panel provides a moving map, an audio radio-altimeter and it is ready to receive the radar from Eric Marciano. If you already know the Mirage 4000 aircraft developed by Eric Marciano and Romain Lucas, you will be happy to know it now has updated textures, new effects and a panel that is fully compatible with FS2004 and FSX (SP1 or SP2).
You are cleared direct to the Mirage 4000 page.

Mirage Head-Up Display (HUD)

(click image for details)

(click image for details)

(click image for details)

Fly your Mirage while keeping your eyes on the hostile target. This is now possible with the new generation Mirage Head-Up Display.

The Mirage 4000 has been designed as a high-altitude interceptor. It is equiped of 2 powerful engines that provide incredible climbing speed and a maximum speed over Mach 2 at high altitude. You will be able to experience the high-altitude interceptions with this aircraft and its HUD, especially if the radar from Eric Marciano is installed.
This HUD is based on the same technology as the F-16 HUD, it provides smooth and accurate animation without any significant impact on the frame rate. Its development was based on real Mirage information to reflect the real Mirage HUD symbology.
This product is payware. For complete information about it and purchase information, redirect to the Mirage HUD page.